八成五民眾 用眼習慣大NG
2025-01-12 09:59:38 |
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2025-01-10 00:00
日本研議剩食打包不NG!哪些店家適用、哪些可打包、責任歸屬一次看! - 食力foodNEXT
2025-01-12 09:17
台人10大傷腎習慣!手搖超NG 醫曝「加速洗腎」衰老風險 - TVBS
2025-01-06 14:57
從毒蟲到反毒英雄!人生不怕NG回頭堅固弟兄,現代「逃城」翻轉更生人 - 基督教今日報
2025-01-11 11:18
求別加起司粉! 早餐店「NG兩次」還叫客人付一半 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2025-01-10 15:08
一次看懂春節加班怎麼算勞動部曝最NG情況、最重可罰150萬元| 產業 - 太報
2024-12-27 16:00
寒流來襲 天冷想取暖 這2大行為超NG!千萬別做! - 民報
2024-07-24 15:00
Taiwan held “Nigeria-Taiwan Business Forum” in Lagos on May, 2024. - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-06-14 15:00
尼日利亞:仁愛修女會修女為人口販賣受害者提供服務- 梵蒂岡新聞網 - Vatican News
2024-04-25 15:00
報稅眉角報你知/綜所稅申報 避開七 NG 樣態 | 報稅停看聽 | 理財 - 經濟日報
2023-12-08 16:00
周庭棄保流亡後接受BBC採訪 稱香港已成「恐懼之地」 - BBC.com
2024-07-24 15:00
2024 Nigeria-Taiwan Business Forum showcased bilateral business momentum! - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-12-30 16:00
天冷用火用電小心!專家揭「NG行為」火燒厝 - 好房網News
2023-03-09 16:00
Discovery of a protein that promotes cancer metastasis - City University of Hong Kong
2024-11-28 16:00
火鍋湯煮30分超毒!醫曝「七大NG吃鍋習慣」:三顆腎都不夠用 - TVBS
2024-06-27 15:00
【國際太陽眼鏡日】太陽眼鏡鏡片選擇學問大!NG顏色反會導致眼睛受傷 - 民報
2024-10-01 15:00
中國經濟:研究報告顯示中國民眾20年來的態度變遷 - BBC.com
2024-10-08 15:00
被指電視牆塌下壓死貓 裝修設計公司鞠躬致歉 惟稱「好難解釋」倒塌原因︱Yahoo - Yahoo新聞
2021-01-19 16:00
EE establishes new joint lab with six partners to promote the commercialisation of innovative technology - City University of Hong Kong
2024-10-23 15:00
攝護腺健康拉緊報!「10大NG行為」別做 嚴重恐腎衰竭 - TVBS
2024-06-17 15:00
別一起吃!營養師揭「3組保健食品」超NG:沒效又傷荷包 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-06-25 11:56
Celebrating Asian Heritage Month with Liberal MP Mary Ng | OMNI News Cantonese - OMNI Television
2024-03-20 00:33
營所稅申報 留意五NG樣態 - 經濟日報
2023-11-02 15:00
美國會法案詳列49人制裁名單 林定國、蕭澤頤、蘇惠德、陳廣池 - 自由亞洲電台
2021-04-12 15:00
Tackling air pollution with new approaches - City University of Hong Kong
2024-12-13 13:01
Pinoy group: Situation in Taiwan 'normal', but worry persists - ABS-CBN
2024-04-20 15:00
Weekly ReViu | Part One - Guest Chat (20.4.2024) - Now 新聞
2023-09-20 15:00
約會2大NG行為 - 基督教今日報
2025-01-05 13:35
棉被蓋滿頭入睡超NG 醫:小心缺氧、易頭昏疲倦 - 經濟日報
2020-01-08 16:00
波音737:烏克蘭客機從伊朗首都起飛時墜毀 - BBC.com
2024-06-19 15:00
新青安切結書來了!NG行為下場曝光 千萬房貸每年多繳「這麼多」 - 工商時報
2023-10-16 15:00
Representive Andy Liu and Ms. Liu attend "Taiwan Trade Mission to West & North Africa" - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2022-08-18 15:00
回應艾成墜樓身故》陪伴憂鬱患者的NG話語,心理師籲教會界加強這件事 - 基督教今日報
2022-04-11 15:00
最佳小組長的6個特徵、避免說的NG話語 - 基督教今日報
2023-11-08 16:00
網紅涉毒案道歉引兩極評價》6種NG道歉說法、5個智慧道歉法則一次看 - 基督教今日報
2021-12-02 16:00
Speaker Nancy Pelosi of the US House of Representatives penned a letter to Legislative Speaker You Si-kun ahead of the Open Parliament Forum currently taking place in Taipei, stating that the promotion of pro-democracy parliaments and the strengthening - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2025-01-07 23:38
這樣吃超NG!營養師揭「5保健食品」搭配禁忌:吃下去就死翹翹 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2023-10-16 15:00
Representive Andy Liu and Ms. Liu attend 10th celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival event - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2021-01-08 16:00
抗寒取暖十大NG行為 專家說:毋湯喔! - 基督教今日報
2021-12-29 16:00
A thorough profile of President Tsai Ing-wen was featured by Reuters in the run-up to Christmas, tracing pivotal moments in Tsai’s rise as a politician and how she has managed to win over voters in Taiwan and stand up to China. - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-11-13 16:00
颱風來襲注意!防災用品、防颱措施、颱風假薪水、NG行為完整版懶人包一次看 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2022-03-31 15:00
#Taiwan was among the founding members of the Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement, alongside #Canada, #NewZealand and #Australia, as it officially entered into effect yesterday. - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2022-02-21 16:00
代禱》寒流襲台74例猝死 謹戒5大NG行為,保暖須重安全 - 基督教今日報
2021-10-07 15:00
President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen was invited to pen an essay in the most recent issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, titled “Taiwan and the Fight for Democracy: - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2021-07-27 15:00
Congrats to Tang Chih-Chun, Teng Yu-Cheng and Wei Chun-Heng for their #silver medal in the men's team #archery event and #tabletennis duo Lin Chun-Ju and Cheng I-Ching for their #bronze medal in the mixed doubles event. - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2019-08-04 15:00
【小Q】任達華曾NG達48次破紀錄 讚狗狗演技好:影后應該係佢! - Yahoo新聞
2024-12-23 16:00
天冷猝死「10大NG行為大揭密」 洗澡溫差超過1數值…恐召喚死神 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2022-05-09 15:00
Representative & Mrs. Andy Liu visited Nigeria Female Artists Association located at Lagos in April 2022. During the visit, Representative Liu was interviewed by Nike Art Gallery, the largest art gallery of West Africa, expressing the promotion of Taiwan-Nigeria - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2022-02-09 16:00
駐奈及利亞聯邦共和國臺北貿易辦事處 - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2023-07-28 15:00
Jonathan C. Ng中選 AUB 銀行董事長 - United News Ph
2024-09-24 15:00
半夜驚醒怎重入睡?專家:千萬別繼續躺床 做1事超NG - TVBS
2025-01-08 13:05
資深男星拍車禍戲「嚇到快閃尿」 還原驚險過程:人生最痛苦的一晚 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2021-07-02 15:00
What does the 60 years of U.S. Nigeria relationship mean to you? In honor of our 245th Independence Day celebration this July, we are giving away exciting prizes in the #USNGandMe Essay and Video contest. - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2024-04-25 15:00
留意報稅四大NG 點光明燈、安太歲等不能列舉扣除 - 經濟日報
2024-11-14 16:00
常見早餐搭配「恐致癌」!紅茶配1物超NG 醫親解奪命警訊 - TVBS
2020-06-28 15:00
用肥皂洗手才有效 隱眼族的NG傷眼行為 - 健康醫療網
2024-07-19 15:00
97%資方已收過新鮮人履歷 三大NG內容最不滿,八成收過自傳空白 - 經濟日報
2014-07-21 15:00
陳凱琳拍劇NG免捱罵 - Yahoo News
2024-05-20 15:00
中文自介大NG!NMIXX來台演唱會細節曝光 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2024-06-03 15:00
印花稅五大 NG 樣態 須留意 - 經濟日報
2010-06-16 15:00
巴西战后追踪朝鲜球迷 - BBC.com
2024-11-18 16:00
「繼承取得未辦保存登記建物」不算首購?信義房屋:一行為NG - 經濟日報
2024-12-19 16:00
日本研議剩食打包不NG 哪些店家適用、哪些可打包、責任歸屬一次看 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2022-06-05 15:00
〈報稅看這裡〉十大NG錯誤別再犯 以免補稅受罰 - Anue鉅亨
2024-02-22 16:00
日曜天地「NG鞋出清會」27日起登場 萬雙鞋款全面1折起 - 經濟日報
2021-07-12 15:00
蛋越吃越肥? 吃蛋5大NG一次破解 「用水煮」最讚 - ETtoday健康雲
2023-10-30 15:00
Representative and Chief of Taiwan Mission in Nigeria Mr. Andy Yih-Ping Liu hosted the 112th National Day Celebration together on October 4, 2023, with more than 230 honored guests from Nigeria and various embassies, alumni who studied in Taiwan atte - ROC Embassies and Missions Abroad
2023-11-02 15:00
當心「隱形陷阱」重傷健康!營養師曝10大NG飲料 - 工商時報
2024-08-15 15:00
糖尿病患吃冰「血糖飆高」!醫揪配料大NG 糖水減半也沒用 - TVBS
2016-10-18 15:00
八成五民眾 用眼習慣大NG - 健康醫療網
2023-11-11 16:00
冬天吃鍋!台電列電磁爐「5大NG用法」 插座1情況超危險 - TVBS
2020-07-28 15:00
九大NG投保當心追遺產稅- 要聞 - 工商時報
2024-11-06 16:00
雇主別犯!特休假「7違規地雷」超NG 勞動部年開罰千萬元 - TVBS
2022-07-12 15:00
[辦公室NG行為] - 1111產經新聞網
2024-06-30 15:00
全台高溫!手持電風扇「3大NG行為」 台電示警:鋰電池曾爆炸 - NOWnews 今日新聞
2024-01-10 16:00
Thousands of tamban fish wash ashore in Sarangani due to upwelling - GMA News Online
2013-05-28 15:00
不可不知!量血壓4大NG行為 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2017-12-31 16:00
老闆要注意!尾牙最NG情境 上班族說是這個 - Anue鉅亨
2024-01-09 16:00
總統立委選舉週六登場 NG行為一次看 手機忘做「1動作」30萬飛了 - 好房網News
2023-11-04 15:00
勞動部公開特休10地雷!「工作滿1年7天假」恐違法 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2019-06-28 15:00
NG行為退散!9招讓你一年省萬元 - 好房網News
2019-04-23 15:00
Alert level sa Luzon grid itinaas bunsod ng lindol - ABS-CBN
2019-10-16 15:00
網友分享搭捷運NG行為 你也曾這樣做嗎? - 好房網News
2023-01-20 16:00
除夕拜地基主 雞腿便當備妥「這NG情況」:慘了! - 好房網News
2017-11-24 16:00
木板隔間效果最NG 3大類防火建材攸關性命 - 好房網News
2016-05-29 15:00
誤踩6種NG風水 小心窮酸過一生! - 好房網News
2025-01-11 12:42
溝通不NG!12星座專屬「職場溝通密碼」曝光 天蠍座神秘感是優勢 - 中天新聞網
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